When we work on alloy wheels that are heavily corroded or have flaky paint, powder coatings, or a previous diamond cut finish, we always chemical strip them.
We place them into an alloy wheel chemical bath to strip and remove all of these contaminants that would ruin the finish, without damaging or scouring the alloy rim itself.
Now the chemical stripping process has worked it’s magic and all contaminants have been removed from your alloy wheel, it’s time to rinse the chemical solution off completely, making certain there is no trace left to potentially ruin your planned finish. Just beautiful bare aluminium!

As you can see the chemical actually works into the paint and lifts it from the alloy wheel, leaving no scratches from sanding or brushing. This is perfect if you are planning on having a delicate finish, for example a wax polished or diamond cut.
If you are planning on painting or powder coating, it’s also an easy way to give you a perfect finish with less sanding and manual Preparation.

We cannot perform the actual alloy wheel chemical stripping process on board our mobile alloy wheel refurbishment vans due to the hazardous chemicals involved.
We can however come to you to and remove your wheels from your car, leave it on stands while we perform the chemical stripping at our workshop and return them to you ready for you to finish.

Once the chemical stripping has been finished and the alloy wheels are ready to be handed back for you to finish yourself, you have to think is it worth your effort.
We’ve done the hard work in the Preparation of them, why not let us give them the professional finish they deserve? You’d be amazed at how reasonable our complete alloy wheel refurbishment prices are.

Our Process
- Once back at the workshop, your alloy wheels are firstly chemical stripped or bead blasted back to the bare metal, all kerb rashes or damage is removed by hand, leaving us with a lovely smooth, blemish free blank canvas for us to apply the powder coat.
- This is the most important process for your alloy wheels, as always Preparation is of utmost importance and if it's not smooth enough the powder coated finish will suffer. We won't allow that and every effort is taken to remove any unsightly mark or scratch from the aluminium, ensuring our alloy wheel powder coating service remains second to none.
- Powder coating is also a complex service as your alloy wheels then need to be heated up in our wheel ovens to extremely high temperatures, the wheels are then slid along the rails, into our powder coat spray-booth where the powder coating procedure really begins. The rail is statically charged so the alloy wheels draw the powder towards them, a bit like a television attracts dust.
- The alloy wheels are so hot the powder sticks to the wheels and begins to flow. It is then put back into the oven where the curing process begins and the powder coat is baked to form a hard long lasting barrier against the elements. Once the alloy wheels have cooled down you have a beautiful mirror glass like finish across the powder coated wheel.Great care and attention is needed for perfect results every time, you can be sure every alloy wheel that we powder coat is treated the same way.
Your alloy wheels are now looking like new again
All we need now is confirmation that you are happy with the alloy wheel refurbishment and the process is complete, payment is then made by Visa, Cheque or PayPal and you are ready to drive away on a set of “good as new” alloy wheels.
Along with your invoice, we offer a full guarantee on all alloy wheel repairs and refurbishments carried out by us.
If you would like your car wheels to be treated to an alloy wheel refurbishment or repair, contact us, call 0333 207 9971 or 07515 399 809.